The Quiet Life in St. Croix

St. Croix is part of the US Virgin Islands; it is a US territory.   

View from Tap Deck in Frederiksted

We docked in Frederiksted at the west end of the island and drove through Christiansted which is on the East end. The two towns, by residents choice, are rather segregated. We toured several private residences on the island.  Over the course of the tour we drove the perimeter of the island.  Although St Croix became a USA territory in 1927, and they drive american cars, they do drive on the left side of the road. 

St. Croix is the largest of the US Virgin Islands, but it is far enough away from St. John and St. Thomas that there are no ferries connecting them, as there are between St. John and St. Thomas. Construction is very high priced due to lack of labor and materials, approx $300/sf. Although construction costs are high, St. Croix has some of the best real estate values for Caribbean property.Lush vista view

A decline in population

The island is not very populated.  There is a large oil refinery on the island that closed in 2012, resulting in a large decline in population; the professionals moved elsewhere for work. The refinery was recently sold to the Chinese.  There were a couple cars in the parking lot and a couple of workers when we drove by in January, Our guide did not know what was planned for the property.  

There was a lot of damage from the Hurricane in September 2017.  Because of the flooding, the island lost their hospital, schools and casino. Our realtor guide said that the hurricane damaged homes were not on the market yet, residents were waiting to hear about insurance before listing. She also said they had no idea if or when they would get the hospital and schools back.  So, again, many residents left the island and may never come back. Palm trees and vista view

Some buyers may find the quiet remoteness a bonus.  We chatted with a wedding planner who loves to schedule destination weddings on the island, and an investment banker who can live anywhere. Cruise ships

I like a vacation rental where I can walk to local shops, and restaurants. St. Croix seemed more like a place where you would get a lot of privacy, and need a car to get to get around.

Property tour

Here is our property tour itinerary on St. Croix, hosted by St. Croix Island Life.

Property tour

The views from all the homes are spectacular! Favorite property on the tour was the Villa Madeleine Condos. These properties seemed like they would be easy to rent to vacationers. Kitchens are small, but adequate. Unfortunately, the Casino was closed due to hurricane damage, there was no estimated re-opening.

St Croix, January 14, 2018

Would you like to tour property during your next vacation? Please let me know if you have any further questions or comments!

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